20 Questions With: Adriana White & Alaina Lavoie (Part 2)

Hosted by Carlota Vásquez Editor’s Note: This is a transcription of Latinitas Magazine’s SoundCloud podcast “20 Questions With,” where we invite bold and creative individuals to discuss their experiences and background. Listen along by clicking the link! Hola Chicas! Welcome to 20 Questions With, a podcast in conjunction with Latinitas Magazine. Latinitas Magazine is a strong…

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20 Questions With: Adriana White & Alaina Lavoie

Hosted by Manoela Torres Editor’s Note: This is a transcription of Latinitas Magazine’s SoundCloud podcast “20 Questions With,” where we invite bold and creative individuals to discuss their experiences and background. Listen along by clicking the link! Hola Chicas! Welcome to 20 Questions With, a podcast in conjunction with Latinitas Magazine. Latinitas Magazine is a strong…

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Fotos del Día

By Roxy Heras AUSTIN, Tx. — Ever since I was little, we would always visit Mexico every year. Since then, almost everything reminds me of it. Certain smells here remind me of Mexico, or seeing a good view of mountains always gives me vibes of Mexico. This is why I chose to pick photos of…

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Raspas, Raspas!

By Jackie Ibarra The following is a transcription of Latinitas Magazine’s latest audio story “Raspas, Raspas.” Volunteer writer Jackie Ibarra gives a rundown of the history of raspas, a timeless Latin treat. You can listen to the audio story on SoundCloud! Jackie: Raspas, raspas, come get your raspas!  Ah, there’s nothing better than hearing the…

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