A Day At Startup Chica: Latinitas Entrepreneurial Conference

On April 13, Latinitas hosted their annual one-day-only conference, Startup Chica, at the Austin Community College Highland campus. Throughout the day attendees, students between the ages of nine and fourteen, were inspired to create their own startup. Through various workshops, the students broke into teams. They brainstormed the idea, cost, and execution of their businesses,…

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20 Questions With: Christina Jovanna Olivarez

Hosted by Marisol Acuña Editor’s Note: This is a transcription of Latinitas Magazine’s SoundCloud podcast “20 Questions With,” where we invite bold and creative individuals to discuss their experiences and background. Listen along by clicking the link! Hola Chicas! Welcome to 20 Questions With, a podcast in conjunction with Latinitas Magazine. Latinitas Magazine is a strong…

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