A Letter To The Moon

By Carlota Vásquez Dear Moon, There is a myth that comes from the Arhuaco indigenous people, the natives of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and so it goes: when the world was created, all its inhabitants, including the Arhuaco tribe, lived in pitch-black darkness. Then one day, one of their women gave birth to…

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Poesía: School Shooting

By Manoela Torres Editor’s Note:  “School Shooting” dives into gun violence and may be sensitive for some readers. According to Everytown Research, there were at least 130 incidents of gun violence on school grounds in 2019. In 2020, 66 incidents of gun violence has been reported.  You are lucky if you come out alive If…

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Poesía: The Wall

By Manoela Torres The hollow of lifeless soil Bleeds injustice and punctures lives This scar they sow, so splendidly cruel The scar unties soil It separates blood, lacks life It dissects landscapes, starves dreams   This victory of an unpromised land Stabs imperfection and corrupts chained eutopia It absorbs the prayers of the voices that…

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