Laying the Foundation: A Review of Grace Sorensen’s Debut Album ‘BLUEPRINT’

After years of anticipation, Austin native and Latina R&B artist Grace Sorensen has finally released her debut album BLUEPRINT and it is phenomenal. Sorensen’s trademark sultry tones and impeccable instrumentation are on full display in this 10-track album as she croons over jazz-like melodies and dazzles over beats that feel as if they jumped straight…

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Las mujeres recibirán la próxima mayor transferencia de riqueza

En un mundo no tan lejano, las mujeres tenían muy pocos derechos, no se podía divorciar, ni votar, ni abrir cuentas bancarias. Ahora el mundo esta cambiando, especialmente para las mujeres. Según la revista Forbes, The Great Wealth Transfer: An $84 Trillion Investment Opportunity For Women,  la generación silenciosa y los baby boomers transferirán su…

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The History of Black History Month

If you grew up in the United States, chances are you’re no stranger to Black History Month. The parades and parties, the commercials and commemorations, for many it’s just a fact of life–Every February we celebrate Black History Month! But it wasn’t always like that. Black History Month, at least as we know it now,…

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