How dietician Maria Mendoza is helping Latinos eat healthier and happier one cultural dish at a time

Compiled by Anna Martinez Maria Mendoza was drawn to the field of nutrition after having an honest conversation with herself about what she was passionate about. Her father had a garden when she was growing up so participating in the food process was always important to Mendoza. She grew to enjoy this experience and enjoyed…

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Meet Roseangel Conde, the Peruvian-Ecuadorian artist taking Spotify by storm

By Anna Martinez “Never put limits on yourself no matter where you come from, don’t let it define you and always chase your dreams,” says Roseangel Conde, a 19-year-old Peruvian-Ecuadorian up-and-coming singer. Conde was recently featured on Spotify’s Dreamy playlist, a goal that she had at the start of the year. Her music was receiving…

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SXSW 2022: Lessons in self-love and taking the first step

By Addy Allred This year’s SXSW was a combination of technology, teaching, training, and tempting sessions. Every evening I scrolled through the next day’s activities and seminars, and I found myself overlapping my schedule with a mixed texture of new music, art, film, experiences, and innovation. It was overwhelming but absolutely electrifying. My first decision…

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All Your Fears, My Fear

By Jessica Enriquez I’m afraid of You You, and the man who lingers in the highway the hands that reach to tear, scrape  skin and flesh  with nails like claws  not buds sprouting from the grass barely wet in morning rain    I’m afraid of You You, and the worms that climb the bed their…

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