Glam & Business: Chicago Entrepreneur Yashira Hiraldo Offers Luxury Treatment with Beauty Salon “Glamrūm”

Entrepreneur Yashira Hiraldo is the founder of Glamrūm, a Chicago-based beauty salon with two locations in the Lincoln Park and Lakeview neighborhoods. The luxury salon offers services such as permanent makeup including microblading, and other spa and medical aesthetic treatments such as lash enhancements, waxing, and body treatments. Originally from Puerto Rico, Hiraldo received her…

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Lina Hidalgo resalta el valor de la salud mental en la ausencia temporal de su cargo publico

Por: Indira Zaldivar La inspiradora historia de la jueza del condado Harris Lina Hidalgo resalta que pedir ayuda, es también un símbolo de fortaleza. Al ser diagnosticada con depresión clínica en julio y recibir tratamiento por dos meses, Hidalgo regresó más lista que nunca para abogar por sus constituyentes y la importancia de la salud…

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Miss San Antonio USA Lillian Perez On Overcoming Adversity & Prepping for Miss Texas USA

Recently crowned Miss San Antonio USA, 22-year-old Lillian Perez is grateful for her accomplishments, and her ability to overcome adversity which has only driven her ambition, confidence, and success. Reflecting on her recent win, Perez is also excited to share her thoughts on the competition and what came to mind as she was announced the…

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The Obstacles Between U.S. Military Veterans and Acquiring Therapy

Common mental health struggles that military veterans endure include PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), depression, substance abuse disorders, and suicidality. This is not a comprehensive list, as there are certainly other mental health struggles that veterans experience. It’s clear that veterans need consistent, reliable access to quality therapy and help, yet there are still some obstacles…

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Healthcare And Preserving Latino Culture in The Pacific Northwest: The Sea Mar Museum

Preserving culture is highly significant to understanding past struggles, educating communities, and acknowledging the diversity that exists in our landscape. In 2019, The Sea Mar Museum of Chicano/a and Latino/a culture launched in Seattle, Washington, making the museum the first ever of its kind in the Pacific Northwest. In partnership with Sea Mar Community Health…

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