Mexican teen develops app to help deaf sister communicate with world

By Anna Martinez According to Mexico’s statistics agency, 6 million Mexicans are deaf or hard-of-hearing.  17-years-old Estrella Salazar from Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico, is on a mission to help this population.   Salazar developed an app that allows people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing to communicate more easily. The app is called, “Hands with Voice,” and it helps…

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Reza Cristián is fighting climate change with an eco-conscious online media platform

By Martina Vasquez Reza Cristián is the co-founder of a groundbreaking platform called Sustain the Mag, dedicated to promoting a sustainable, eco-friendly mindset and providing educational content for all audiences. She comes from a Latinx household outside Los Angeles, California.  She grew up with sustainable habits, but unaware of them. The main reason behind any…

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Meet Saucy Lips the Hispanic, women-founded business that launched in Whole Foods

When Natalia and Jess Jr. Dalton-Salazar moved to the U.S. from the Yucatán Peninsula in 2010 to attend college, they needed money for tuition. So, when their parents Jess Sr. and Gabriela moved to Arizona in 2011, Gabriela started selling homemade sauces and marinades at their local farmer’s market to support Natalia and Jess Jr….

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Latina Weightlifter Cinthia Martinez Created Latina Lifters

Originally published on Over the years, strength sports like powerlifting which stems from weightlifting have seen an uptick in participation by women. What is powerlifting? It is where the heaviest weight is used in three different categories: squat, benchpress and deadlift. Fitness experts say the benefits of lifting weights whether in workout or sport for women can…

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Adieu to the Flu

By Ariana Maria Virginia Perez Invisible to the eye the infection spread silently  from Wuhan to New York City.    The count of dead bodies charted its path and displayed its power: screaming death, bustling flu. A silent demon Scientists say it is a variation of the common flu but a version encoated with aggression, exhaling…

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A Latina Bruja shares her Journey with Ancestral Wisdom to Promote Healing

The word Brujeria or witchcraft may spark disbelief or fear in others. It has gained a negative connotation throughout history, some may argue for good reason. Or if you have been watching Latinx shows, such as “Siempre Bruja,” you might have seen Brujeria through the window of magical realism. Yet, there is one bruja who…

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