Getting Real With Huston-Tillotson University’s President Dr. Melva K. Williams

Historically Black Colleges and Universities have an important significance and place in higher education. In Austin, Huston-Tillotson University is not just the only Historically Black University in Austin, it is also the oldest higher education institution in the city.  The university recently welcomed Dr. Melva K. Williams as their seventh President and Chief Executive President…

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Artist and Fashion Designer Bárbara Miñarro on Creating “Breakfast Friend” And Being a Latina Entrepreneur

Every day after school Bárbara would head to her grandmother’s studio and watch her as she handmade dresses. While Bárbara was never formally taught how to sew, she learned through observation, and as her skills sharpened so did her love of design, “I remember for my first communion, I designed my own little dress. I…

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Texas Tribune Festival Day 3: Roe V Wade, Beto O’Rourke, and more!

Last week, The Texas Tribune held their twelfth annual Texas Tribune Festival in downtown Austin, a three-day celebration of politics, panels, and pandemonium as speakers from differing partisan sides shared their opinions along with their platforms. While the festival is obviously a state event, the panels provided covered a wide variety of issues beyond just…

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