Raspas, Raspas!

By Jackie Ibarra The following is a transcription of Latinitas Magazine’s latest audio story “Raspas, Raspas.” Volunteer writer Jackie Ibarra gives a rundown of the history of raspas, a timeless Latin treat. You can listen to the audio story on SoundCloud! Jackie: Raspas, raspas, come get your raspas!  Ah, there’s nothing better than hearing the…

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La Vie en Andria Rose

AUSTIN, Tx. — Andria Rose, a Latinx velvet pop singer, has graced the stage with trending artists such as The Marias, Jasper Bones and Kali Uchis —to name a few. Although COVID-19 has put a halt to in-person shows, the pandemic has not stopped Rose from connecting with her fans through her jazzy, psychedelic vocals.  The…

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“A Delicate Marriage” Is The Perfect Blend of Passion, Politics, And Puerto Rican History

Margarita Barresi’s A Delicate Marriage follows the penniless but brilliant Marco Rios and the insightful yet wealthy Isabela Sota as they try to balance their love for each other with their love of their island. The jaw-dropping historical fiction novel takes place in Puerto Rico throughout the 1930s and 50s, showcasing not only decades of…

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Las mujeres recibirán la próxima mayor transferencia de riqueza

En un mundo no tan lejano, las mujeres tenían muy pocos derechos, no se podía divorciar, ni votar, ni abrir cuentas bancarias. Ahora el mundo esta cambiando, especialmente para las mujeres. Según la revista Forbes, The Great Wealth Transfer: An $84 Trillion Investment Opportunity For Women,  la generación silenciosa y los baby boomers transferirán su…

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